
Friday, August 31, 2018

Remarkable Respect Post

Welcome Back to the wonderful world of my blog.
Today I will be sharing with you Respect.
In Tumu Hub our hub goal is Respect.
Not enough people are showing respect and that is not good!
These are some ways we can show respect:
  • Smile in a nice way at others
  • Tidy up without being asked
  • Don't be rude
And many more

Retaliate in a nice way if someone is mean to you
Enjoy your time with your friends
Stay calm if someone is mean
Protect your property
Excellent manners
Clean up after yourself
Take care of other peoples stuff if your using it

How else can you show respect?

My Magnificent Coke Speech

Hi and welcome back to my blog.
 Today I will be sharing with you my Coke Speech.
I chose to do a Speech on Coke because the week we had to do Speeches I had Coke in my fridge and I thought why not do a Speech on Coke.
Don't worry my Speech does included coke and mentos!
I hope you enjoy.

What is your favorite Soda/Fizzy?

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Battle of the mountains!

Hi welcome back to my blog. 
Today I will be sharing with you my battle of the mountains slide. When you are watching go to the start and hold down the right arrow.
The inspiration for this is we are doing a production of the battle of the mountains. 

Can you remember the mountains names?
Comment down below.

Monday, August 6, 2018

The new legand

Welcome to my blog today I will be sharing with you my legend. For my workshops follow up I had to make a legend and so I chose to make a story about How the White Horse made the first Zebra. 

Do Da Do Da Do just a normal day on Pride hill. Pride hill is where all the horses of the king live it has evergreen trees fresh green grass and a lovely view of the lake. 

Once again just a normal day on Pride hill it seemed, but White horse challenged King horse to a duel. There was scratches of pain, white horse had black blood that was like thick black paint running down his wounded body so he surrendered to King horse then yelled, “The agony.” In his sleep the blood became permanent and when he woke his blood had healed him and then he showed the stripes of to King horse. King horse said “You are not one of us now you must make your own species of animal and you will be king.”

So he thought day and night of what he should call his species, he said in his mind it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. He thought “I will name my species after my great great great great great great great great great granddad Zebra!”

So Zebra went to the king and said “I'm going to call my species Zebras!” The King said “that is a great idea go on and breed some more Zebraaaas.”
“No no no it is pronounced Zebras just one letter A not four.”
“OK great I can’t wait for you species to grow big and wide.”
"Just a question why will you call your species the Zebras?"
"Well it was my great great great great great great great great great granddad Zebras name and he was the only horse named Zebra and that is a cool name!" 

The End!!! 

Fun Fact: The population of zebras in the world are at around 750,000 zebra. 

 What is your favorite legend?

Friday, August 3, 2018

Learning about my culture

Hi and welcome back to the amazing world of Pipers learning today. I will be sharing with you what cultures my family has traced back to over generations.

So first my Granny's side of the family is mostly all from Ireland from 3 generations back.

My Poppa's side of the family is from Scotland from 6 generations back.

My Nana's side of the family is all from New Zealand and also the same with my Granddad's side of the family.

On my Granddad's side of the family I am related to an All black and on my Granny's side I am related to a pirate called Grace O'malley here is a picture of Grace O'mally.
I hope you enjoyed my learning.
Are you related to any famous people?